For life is always accompanied with the happiness and financial well-being, it is necessary to use a low-magic, and buy a talisman or an amulet. Magical objects have an extraordinary force, in effect, the individual invests the faith, energy and a piece of his soul.
Above all, remember the main ingredient is working mascot or amulet — it is full of confidence in the magic of the subject. And only then, the chance and the wealth of your essential companions.
Varieties of talismans and amulets

A large number of various kinds of magical objects. The amulet of silver or talisman can be purchased in any boutique. But to make a talisman out of his hands, it will be effective, because it will not be responsible for the energy of the other person. Very often, the question arises: so what kind of thing is better to choose a topic suitable as a charm or mascot? So let's look at the magic category:
- The accepted magical subjects can be attributed to clover, coins, horseshoes and figurines.
- To all the charms or amulets around, that match horoscopes, are of precious stones, plants, and metal objects.
- Things intangible to be attributed to the prayer of the writing.
- The pet with the mascots applies favorite pets, with which the contact of a person.
The talismans, which bring money and luck
In buying the mascot of note, the amulet of the iron horse. He not only plays the role of the fortune, but protects its owner and his house of worth. By hanging a horseshoe above the front door, pobespokoytes on the right position. Necessary to the feet as a talisman were at the top. Neither a villain or unpleasant, it may not be in your home.
The japanese are convinced that the silver talisman in the shape of a cat with one paw will attract to its owner of trading partners, which in the following will give its holder the amulet of money. In addition, the cat protects the house from misfortune and evil spirits.
The stone of carnelian is the mascot of luck and wealth. It is capable of attracting funding, give the well-being and health. And here is the green tourmaline protects its wearer against stress, the returns expended energy and vitality.
Charms to attract wealth

The chance and the money on them is a dream of almost every person. How to make an amulet to attract money out of your hands? To do this, take quattuor clover. It is necessary to place it in the cloth bag in hand, adpropians alligavit the green wire. The suspension, or any other object, in the shape of a clover, could act as a talisman for wealth and luck.
Especially attracts the monetary situation engraved rune on the back of the flower. Charge the energy of cash talismans difficult, even this ritual is suitable for all small gadgets, such as pendants, coins, and figurines.How to charge a talisman to attract money?
Take the future mascot of the wealth in the hands. Try to hear a surge of energy into the subject. It may appear at the time, it depends on the topic, and stone of your sign of the zodiac.
After the money from the mascot of an energy boost, it is necessary to place it in dense matter and wrap the wire, making 10 of weaving. In passing this procedure, it is necessary to decide the destination of the future of the amulet. Enhance the magical effect of the object, you can, if you give him a name. After that, the cash of the amulet with a sprinkle of salt, to pronounce aloud the spell: "always Be near me, protecting me, my talisman of wealth".
After the rite of the man must not doubt that the silver amulet is alive and will continue to support the luck and success to all those who shall take it in hand. This thing is solely responsible for your energy, so once in the hands of others, the mascot turns into a simple toy.
A magical amulet must be associated only with good and positive emotions. When selecting magic from the object of flip in the direction of all the negativity and the frustration. Then amulets to attract money and happiness will throughout life is to work without interruption.
If you have lost your charm don't worry. This can mean only one thing: his work is finished and you need to take care of the new protection!
The cord of the amulet with his own hands
Charms to attract money and luck, such as the cords of the amulets, of the facts of his hands on the tragedy of the moon or of the full moon. The holding of a rite of committing a blink of an eye. You must buy in a special section of new wire, of different colors and shades. Every colouring symbolizes some sign. For example:
- the red wires — attract the strength of the desire;
- green — the luxury and wealth;
- the blue are in compliance with all of the desires;
- yellow son — the success and the happiness.
From the data wire to the behind of kos. Would a bracelet that fits on the left foot and is not removed. When the talisman fulfills all your desires, it is necessary to burn it and speak the words of thanks of the world. When the amulet is lagging behind its own hands, read aloud for all your wishes of cash. They may be an increase of salary, payout of lottery tickets, obtain well-paying jobs or of the estate.
A tangle
The cash talismans monetary peloton to attract good luck and the household, and the business man. Make money the mascot of his hands is very simple. In spite of the simplicity of the action, this magical item has great force. To need to create a piece of currency or monetary ticket, which is wrapped in wool, silk in the shades of green. And then this thing to hang above the doors of the cabinet or the house, inside. A single glomerulus has the magical skills!
Bag with herbs

Sachets of herbs is also talismans to attract money in the offices. Fact the wonderful charm of his hands. Take a small container, fold in the cinnamon, ginger, pine needles and eucalyptus leaves. The plants, crushed, view financial well-being.
Upon completion of the rite, you can read any spell, that draws money. Once the inflorescences are crushed and turn into a mixture of a powdered material, it is necessary to pour it in a purse or a bag adpropians alligavit green silk. This talisman must be stored in an office. Through the twelve months a bag to burn and produce a new one.
The jack of spades
This course will help you to win any card game. To do this, you need to purchase a new card game and get maximum of the valet. On the shiny side of the card write bright colors coveted gains. Sewing her own hands a small purse, put the card and the black pepper. During the time of gaming or betting mascot should be with you. With this talisman each just wait for the chance.
For a man who has decided to use force magic, talismans and amulets, it is necessary to remember only one unconditional faith in the magic can do wonders. The amulet of silver or the mascot, the fact of their own hands, will become a powerful, if regularly fed not only by their energy but also the natural force. In performing rites, you must mentally connect to and listen OBEREG!